New Delhi, JNN These days, on one hand, the ICC World Cup is on the verge of collapse, on the other hand, movies are constantly being created on different sports in Bollywood. At the same time, Acting Dev has directed the play-based DocuFictional Drama Film II. In the 2002 acting year, directed by a series of Delhi belly and 24 will be reminiscent of the NatWest Final match at Lord's Lords in London. In that match, the Indian cricket team captain Saurav Ganguly took off his T-shirt. Keeping this historic moment at the center, acting has directed the second.
According to acting, that match had influenced the life of many young people with him. Acting says that at the time of the match, he was 32 years old. After winning such a big score in the match, India had won, after which Sourav happily and proudly took off his T-shirt. After that match, when we can do that, then we can do anything in our life too. Acting believes that at that time many young people had the impact of that match. Explaining the reasons for making the second, acting says that he wanted to recreate that energy and emotions because the pride of the country was quadrupled because of that historic moment. Our country is counted in the best countries in the world. This is the reason why the film is created by adding a fictional story to that historical moment so that those sentiments can be delivered to the youth of today.
It is well known that in the 2002 NatWest series in London, India had won this match against England by two wickets. Yuvraj Singh and Mohammad Kaif's amazing partnership followed 325 runs in England's last 326 runs in the last over.
According to acting, that match had influenced the life of many young people with him. Acting says that at the time of the match, he was 32 years old. After winning such a big score in the match, India had won, after which Sourav happily and proudly took off his T-shirt. After that match, when we can do that, then we can do anything in our life too. Acting believes that at that time many young people had the impact of that match. Explaining the reasons for making the second, acting says that he wanted to recreate that energy and emotions because the pride of the country was quadrupled because of that historic moment. Our country is counted in the best countries in the world. This is the reason why the film is created by adding a fictional story to that historical moment so that those sentiments can be delivered to the youth of today.
It is well known that in the 2002 NatWest series in London, India had won this match against England by two wickets. Yuvraj Singh and Mohammad Kaif's amazing partnership followed 325 runs in England's last 326 runs in the last over.